• Lake Marstar & Town House Party

    1 minute

    July fourth we went with some friends to Lake Gaston, NC. Big ups to Marla for the lake house! Yes, please. Yes, thank you! You can see videos of me jumping into tubes in the lake on the videos page as well as 80 some pictures in the photo gallery.   This past Monday, July 7th, was the first annual Town House Party. I debuted my wicked mixing skills by playing some banging house and electro tunes. I was hoping Emily would catch a video of me djing but I think she was too busy mingling and playing Wii. Oh…

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  • Letter from God to Man

    1 minute

    Though confused and unbiblical theologically, this song is worth listening to and accompanying video worth watching (video becomes rather graphic towards the end [not safe for children]). I trust you’ll find it at least interesting. The video, while not the official music video, is one man‘s telling interpretation and artistic depiction of the mash-up bearing […]

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  • Emily’s Goldfish: Not So Swimmingly

    2 minutes

    When Emily emigrated, she had to leave some special things behind. Well, the goldfish wasn't exactly that special because the Hayes sisters can't actually remember it's name. Was it Sharky? Or maybe George? Sally says Sharky-George. Here's the low-down on the fish's death, details of which I've gleaned from Emily's wall on Facebook.   Hannah (a las 11:32 de 28 de Junio de 2008): I have some terrible news to break to you are you sitting down? are you with anyone who can hold your hand??… mumsie just discovered your fish dead!!! Sharky – or was it George? was found…

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  • World Press Photo of the Year 2008

    1 minute

    Check out the winners gallery of the World Press Photo of the Year 2008 competition. What a crazy world we live in. More goes on outside of our little spheres than we can ever imagine. This is just a glimpse.

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