We are dependent upon God to provide through financial partnerships with individuals and churches who cheerfully give to our ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We are grateful to God for every gift and every giver.

Give Online

Give online in the UK by credit card, debit card or direct debit via Wycliffe’s secure server at:


Church Giving ⛪

Churches that would like to partner with us financially can find out more on https://wycliffe.org.uk/play-your-part/ways-to-give/church-giving/.

Alternatively, call Wycliffe on 0300 303 1111 or email [email protected] and they will provide further details.

Give Other Ways

Visit https://www.wycliffe.org.uk/get-involved/give/how-to-give/ to see other ways to give (e.g., direct debit, standing order, telephone, gift, and gift aid).


If you have any questions about Wycliffe UK, please get in touch by email at [email protected] or by calling the Supporter Care team on 0300 303 1111.

Wycliffe Bible Translators UK

Wycliffe Bible Translators is a Christian charity registered in England and Wales (251233) and in Scotland (SC039140). Company Number 819788.