On Being a Translation Consultant
1 minuteIt was an honor to be interviewed recently on the topic of what it means to be a Bible translation consultant. Thinking through the questions was a great opportunity to reflect on how I view myself as a consultant. Who am I? What am I doing? Here’s an excerpt: Can you share about a time […]
Justa, the Syrophoenician Woman
10 minutesIntroduction: Wit’s Ends Have you ever been in a situation where you thought of what you should have said but only after the fact? In French, that’s called l’esprit de l’escalier or staircase wit. That’s the witty response that only comes to you when you are on your way down the stairs after the conversation […]
Whip-poor-will Song
1 minuteOne of the songs I remember hearing my grandmother sing is the “Whippoorwill Song.” It can be found in The Star of Bethlehem: A Collection of Church-Tunes, Anthems, Choruses and Glees, originally compiled by J. H. Hall, J. H. Ruebush, and Aldine S. Kieffer and published by Ruebush, Kieffer & Co. in 1889. The entire book […]