Imagine waking up this morning and flipping through your Bible only to find that it’s empty. A blank book. For some 300 million people all over the world this is a reality: there is no translation of the Bible in their language. There are hundreds of languages in central Africa that still need language work done. The need is great!
What are you doing?
As a translation consultant, Drew trains local translators and assists them with the process of translating the Bible into their language(s). Emily is a nurse and mum extraordinaire.
With what organization?
We are members of Wycliffe Bible Translators, an international Christian missions organization whose aim is to see the Bible translated into every language that needs it. Current estimates put the number of languages that may still need a translation at around 2,000, representing some 300 million people. For more on Wycliffe visit or We are excited to be a part of this work.
Our passion
Our passion and aim is for the people of central Africa to enter the world of Scripture through a door the size and shape of the language they value most so that they might fully know Jesus and make him known.
Our mission
Our mission is to serve with the global body of Christ to advance Bible translation and work together so people can encounter God through his Word.
For how long?
We have joined Wycliffe as career missionaries. In other words, this is what we plan to do with our lives.
Who pays you?
We do not receive a salary from Wycliffe for the work we do. Rather our income comes from churches, family, and friends like you who want to a play crucial role in the miraculous ministry of Bible translation. God has been faithfully supplying the financial needs of Wycliffe missionaries for the last 80 years.
What do you need money for?
Wycliffe provides us with a monthly budget for living and ministry expenses. Additionally, we have large one-time expenses, some of which we can anticipate such as flights. Our biggest financial need is for regular monthly/quarterly/yearly financial partnerships.
How can I help?
Pray. Give. And pray some more. We need both prayer and financial partners. Prayer partners commit to praying for us and our work regularly. Financial partners commit to give, either monthly or as they are able. In this way, you truly become a partner in our Wycliffe ministry.
How can I become a prayer partner?
Best thing to do is to subscribe to our newsletter. You can also sign up to become a prayer partner through our member page on the Wycliffe web site.
How can I become a financial partner?
Whether you’re in the USA or the UK, the easiest way to give is online through Wycliffe’s site. The web site will walk you through giving securely online (monthly or one-time). See our giving page for more info and to learn about others ways to give.
If you have any questions or concerns about giving, don’t hesitate to contact us or Wycliffe.
How much should I give? Is there a suggested monthly amount?
Please give as the Lord stirs in your heart and enables you. We are grateful for every one of our partners who share a passion for Bible translation. There is truly no gift too large or too small.
What in the world is Bible translation?!
The Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Therefore unless you speak these languages, the Bible must be translated into your language in order for you to read it. Makes sense, right?
What language will you be translating the Bible into?
I work in what are known as cluster projects. These projects group similar languages together to work on translations into these languages simultaneously. This method speeds up the process dramatically, producing Bible translations in less than half the time it took in previous generations.
Why not just have the people learn to read the Bible in French or English?
One pastor in the Congo responded this way: “I can understand French with my ear, and Swahili with my mind, but my own language I understand with my heart.” An elderly Christian lady in Papua New Guinea described not having the Bible in her own language as having a tall glass of water that she couldn’t drink. Another lady said it was like eating a banana with the peel on.
What are the benefits of Bible translation?
Great question. Watch this video:
I have a question
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