• Word of the Day: Portmanteau, or Birthday Boy: Sir Nigel D

    2 minutes

    It's not insignificant or perchance that when I awoke this morning and got my bearings enough to tear off the page of my word-of-the-day calendar, today's word staring back at me was portmanteau. If flipping the page of my calendar was all I was concerned about today, it would seem random enough, but that today is (most importantly) Sir Nigel D's birthday makes this word particularly revelatory of divine appointment.   So, what then does portmanteau mean and how does it so nicely mesh with the birthday of my father-in-law, Emily's father, Nigel? My calendar identifies two definitons of portmanteau:…

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  • Election and Election

    2 minutes

    There’s election and there’s election. Hill and Walton in their A Survey of the Old Testament describe God’s election of Israel as making “the Israelites the people of God only in a revelatory way.” They further clarify by saying, “By this we mean that God chose them as his instrument of revelation.” The difference between […]

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  • In Huntington with Dress Drama

    2 minutes

    We're in Huntington, WV, now for our good friend Suzie's wedding later today. If you'll recall, this is where we first met. In fact, last night we drove past the house where we really first met at a luau party there the first week of school at Marshall back in August of 2003! The set of steps on the front porch where I first sat down to talk to Emily is till there, though I don't remember the neighorhood at the time being so sketchy. I guess I had far greater fish to fry than to be thinking urban gentrification.…

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  • What Should I Study in College to Prepare for Seminary?

    2 minutes

    A family friend was asking my mom what her about-to-graduate-from-high-school boyfriend should study in college to prepare for seminary. Through a series of text messages, this is the advice I had my mom relay to the couple: We need Christians/seminarians/ministers/pastors/missionaries of all backgrounds. If you’re interested in chemistry, by all means go hard after it. […]

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