Brothers Karamazov-Kite Runner Parallels
2 minutesHaving just finished The Kite Runner, parallels between it and Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, which I just finished listening to a BBC radio dramatization of, come to mind. In The Kite Runner (2003) the reader along with the protagonist, Amir, eventually finds out that the household servant boy, Hassan, is not merely a servant of […]
WordPress 2.5RC-1
1 minuteAfter seeing all the flummery about the new WordPress 2.5 and the screen shots of the the admin section, I decided to dive in. Actually it wasn’t that straight forward. Upgrading always makes me nervous. So, I upgraded via svn a test blog I keep tucked away online. It worked like a breeze. Praise the […]
De Penal Substitution’s Death Only Gospel
3 minutesAt the Duke Socratic Club‘s Two Views dialogue on the atonement entitled “How Does Jesus Save Us?” (Feb. 26, 2008) the question was asked of the proponent of penal substitution where the life of Jesus fit in on his view, for it seemed that in this view all that mattered was the death of Jesus, […]
Phone Book Litter
1 minuteToday we received our ninth phone book. (I just counted how many we have stowed in the cupboard.) One month sees a new phone book and accompanying directory from Company X. Company Y then sees the competition and steps it up a notch offering their new phone book and accompanying not-so-desideratum. Every time there’s a […]