• Obvious Titles

    1 minute

    I love books that you can gather the whole thrust of the work simply by reading the title. Not only this but the title alone speaks volumes. Right now, I know of only two examples: The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen [Link] God is the Gospel by John Piper […]

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  • Beachward to Wilmington

    1 minute

    After church this morning, we're taking the Taurus beachward to Wilmington, NC (or Worthington as Emily has been in the habit of refering to it). We're staying just one night at the luxurious KOA Campground in Worthington which is just minutes from the beach and many of the scenes of Dawson's Creek; there's also free Wi-Fi, a pool, and laudromat at the campground (and they call this camping!). 

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  • World of Miracles

    2 minutes

    Drew, Don’t talk to me about puny. I know all about puny. I guess our brains are just not big enough to comprehend the truth of creation yet. Scientists seem very confident when they say it all started from a “big bang”, but how did the elements that caused the big bang come into existence? […]

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  • Being British

    1 minute

    One of the British national daily newspapers is asking readers "what it means to be British?" Some of the emails are hilarious but this is one from a chap in Switzerland… 

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