• Bread to Toast

    1 minute

    When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again. Bread to toast is a permanent change for a very specific purpose: to be eaten. May God suffer me permanent change that I may be eaten by him.

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  • Happy Birthday Hannah

    1 minute

    I wish we could have been there with you to celebrate your 22nd Birthday. Hope you had a great day.

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  • Graduation!!

    1 minute

    hello there! just to let you know that today i attended my graduation ceremony! it was fun and feels good to have completed my degree. After photos and light refreshments mum, dad and i went to a beautiful spot over looking the northdowns and had a delightful picnic of chicken, brie, crusty rolls, colslaw, potoato salad, cherry tomotoes and water cress with strawberries and cream for desert and champagne. dad is going to post up some photos for you to see. i really enjoyed it!!

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  • Wedding Vows

    1 minute

    After the service, people wanted to know if they could get a copy of our vows. So, back by popular demand, are the vows:  Emily I, Emily Clare, take thee, Andrew David, to be my friend, my lover, the father of my children and my beloved husband. Acknowledging foremost my marriage to Christ, I pledge to you my love, my life, and service as He has demonstrated unto the church. From this day forward, everywhere and in all things, abounding or suffering need, believing that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, we shall be united to…

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