My Life is Not My Own
4 minutesShort term mission trips are fantastic. They open hearts, minds, souls to a hurting world. They allow for word to travel fast, on the needs that are out there. They allow for a taste of something life changing. And I would encourage everyone to go on at least one in their lifetime, to somewhere that […]
Out like a Light
4 minutesI’m often surprised when I realize that no one ever attempted to stop me from becoming a missionary. No one was ever gutsy enough to say, Actually Emily are you sure you can do this? You like convenience. You like glamour. You like being offered ice cold water in the OB/GYN’s waiting room. You’d choose […]
Not a Fan
3 minutesWorst missionary ever, huh? Yup. There was no electric fan. I couldn’t stand the heat. I had come directly from the winter wonderland of the French Alps, people, and there was no freakin’ fan! I gotta remind you of who I am, in case you forgot between the time you read my last post until […]