Quotable Clairvaux


2 minutes

From Bernard of Clairvaux ‘s (1090-1153) On Loving God

“In his death he displayed his mercy, in his resurrection his power; both combine to manifest his glory.” (III)

“O wretched slaves of Mammon, you cannot glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ while you trust in treasures laid up on earth: you cannot taste and see how gracious the Lord is, while you are hungering for gold.” (IV)

“If you have not rejoiced at the thought of his coming, that day will be indeed a day of wrath to you.” (IV)

“I know that my God is not merely the bounteous Bestower of my life, the generous Provider for all my needs, the pitiful Consoler of all my sorrows, the wise Guide of my course: but that he is far more than all that. He saves me with an abundant deliverance: He is my eternal Preserver, the portion of my inheritance, my glory.” (V)

“Reason and natural justice alike move me to give up myself wholly to loving him to whom I owe all that I have and am. But faith shows me that I should love him far more than I love myself, as I come to realize that he hath given me not my own life only, but even himself.” (V)

“If you should see a starving man standing with mouth open to the wind, inhaling draughts of air as if in hope of gratifying his hunger, you would think him lunatic. But it is no less foolish to imagine that the soul can be satisfied with worldly things which only inflate it without feeding it.” (VII)

(Numbers at the end are chapter numbers. Read Latin? I’ll give you a dollar if you read Bernard’s complete works.)


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