I just literally minutes ago finished reading Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. The book is one of the many reasons why I read: time/space travel. In this novel, you are transported to Afghanistan before and after several coups and government take-overs in the volatile land. It feels so foreign, but yet so enchanting.
One could object, like Augustine, that we shouldn’t allow ourselves, our emotions, to be so easily swayed by something we know is only a fictional novel; but knowing the sinful heart of man and the cry for justice and restoration within everyone, the novel rings true; knowing that such events as unfold in the novel are not too far removed, unfortunately, from reality, the novel makes me long for Afghanistan to be safe and stable and without oppression and faction and strife and rape and orphans and injustice. Would that Christ would come and heal the broken land and draw men and women and children to himself. For he himself is our peace. This book will give you a heart for Afghanistan, peoples in need of the gospel.