What I like about Twitter is the short little SOS micro-blog entries you can send off. This morning for me it was “Driving to work like Ace Ventura because I don’t have an ice scraper.” Later this evening I said, “Sitting in my Jonathan Edwards class (taught by Andy Davis) while sipping Pai Mu Tan.” These surely aren’t ground-breaking statements about which I should or would blog, but they’re (kinda) interesting enough. The purpose of Twitter after all is just to shoot off a letter 140 character of less note saying what you’re doing at the moment. I usually limit tweets to things I think others may find interesting instead of just saying “I’m eating” or “I saw a dove.” No one cares and it does nothing for anyone whereas I like to think mentioning Edwards, Ace Ventura, or Pai Mu Tan may pique the interests of my followers.
Secondly, what I enjoy about Twitter is that I’ve got it tied to my Facebook account such that when I do a new tweet it becomes my status on Facebook. What’s great about this is that my Facebook friends can and more increasinly often comment on my status/tweet. It’s great, just a little feedback on what I’m up to and what others think. Social interaction.
What I don’t understand about Twitter, however, is the seemingly random people who follow me. I usually check ’em out and most often find that they’re also following 3000+ others. What’s that all about? Is it a marketing ploy to get me to follow them so that I would receive their updates? Or, are they truly interested in me and my tweets? I lean towards affirming the former.