Always Pray and Never Give Up


2 minutes

In our latest prayer partner update about our ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators I shared some thoughts on Jesus’ words in Luke 18:1-10. I want to re-post that section here.

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up…” Luke 18:1-10

This week several of our friends who are also currently raising support to start their ministries with Wycliffe reported that they recently received some negative feedback from individuals with whom they have shared. While we’ve been blessed with largely positive responses, we too at times feel discouraged and start down a path of losing hope of ever actually getting to “the mission field,” in our case Cameroon where so many still wait to have God’s word in their own language. But Jesus’ parable in Luke 18:1-10 provides a rock-solid promise to his disciples, a promise based on the fact that God is the one who is at work. And specifically that he is at work to bring about justice in the world or a putting to rights of everything that sin and sinners (like you and me) continue to mess up. Thus, we ought never give up because he is at work. In this way he is our hope.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? But what does this have to do with praying for our ministry of Bible translation for which we are currently preparing? Well, lately we’ve been impressed with the notion that we are ambassadors for and the voice of Bibleless peoples all over the world, especially Cameroon. And while it is at times tempting to give up and lose hope due to less than desirable responses we must remember that our ministry fits within the grander plan of God to bring about a grand redemption of all things through the proclamation of the good news that he is at work saving sinners and reversing the effects of sin.

Accordingly, we will pray, we will not give up, for God is at work.


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