A Little Piece of History


1 minute

My mom loves Hobby Lobby, a store that’s a veritable cornucopia of craft this-and-that. Did you know that Hobby Lobby founder and CEO Steve Green is into collecting really old copies of the Bible? This week CNN aired a short interview in which Green shows off some of his prized biblical treasures. Among them, is a tiny little fragment of Paul’s letter to the Romans unearthed only 48 hours previous.

Baylor University’s Dr. Scott Carroll, the scholar who oversees Green’s collection, dates the manuscript fragment to the 2nd century, some 1,800 years ago. The interviewer remarks that such a find is “important for people of faith.” Yes, m’am, you’re right. But the fact that this ancient piece of Romans matches our copies of Romans today says a lot more to people of faith and as well as to people of no faith. What a precious find!

3 responses to “A Little Piece of History”

  1. Ched Avatar

    Excellent indeed! But also upside down. 🙂

  2. Dennis Mack Avatar

    Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Mom Avatar

    Drew, that explains why they always have Christian music playing in their stores!!!!!!!

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