Finding out that Henry was scheduled to go to school by himself today, Poppy rushed off into her room. Moments later she emerged with her sequined pink purse snapped closed but bulging. The three of us headed out the door to start the five or so minute walk to the halte garderie, a daycare for kids up to three years old. This week Emily and I decided to get Henry acclimated to the daycare environment and also give him an opportunity to play with kids his age. To start off with, the child must do a period of adaptation where he goes for short periods of time each day. Yesterday was Henry’s last thirty minute stay, today was his first hour-long stay. Remember, Poppy wasn’t scheduled to go today, just Henry. (Poppy’s starting ‘big girl’ school the first week in September.)
At one point along the way, Poppy pats her trusty purse and proclaims that she will be staying with Henry today at the daycare. “I’ve packed my knickers in case I wet myself.” Problem is, we hadn’t reserved a spot for Poppy today. I told her that we’d have to wait to see if they had any free spots.
Once at school, she proudly marched right in with Henry. She hung up her purse on the hook next to Henry’s drawstring bag and headed to the playground outside where the rest of the kids were already playing. I handed Henry over to a worker and then asked if there’d be space for Poppy today. She could stay.
Leaving the kids in the playground, I made my way out, stopping by the bag rack to see what in the world Poppy had packed in her purse. Inside I found five pairs of clean undies all ready for any unfortunate eventuality that might transpire.
Leaving the daycare, I snuck around past the playground. Poppy and Henry were happily playing with hula hoops. I’m so glad they have each other.
Poor guy, fell asleep on the way back home after running a few errands.