Birthday Abroad


3 minutes


Birthdays are a big deal in our house. Emily meticulously orchestrates each detail on the special day to bring maximum birthday joy to our little ones. They’ve got to wake up in a certain way. They’ve got to come out to the living room in a certain way. Daddy must be waiting expectantly with the video camera rolling. But even before that, everything has to be set up just the right way the night before. In short, Mummy goes for the wow factor. “I want them to wake up and automagically feel special,” she might say if I interviewed her on the topic. But there’s no need; the air is tangibly more birthdayed on our babies’ special days.


Last week, Poppy had her fourth birthday. Some parents might add at this point that they can’t believe that their baby girl is four, but us–we can believe she’s four. We are constantly impressed by how quickly and easily she is maturing. Our conversations become more conversation like. Her vocabulary is multiplying rapidly, a special project of Daddy’s. (Why dumb down the language we use with our children? Why not instead impart to them the treasures stowed in our linguistic trunks? After all, listening to tiny tongues stumble over syllables is incredibly cute.) We can believe Poppy’s four. We think she is an exquisite little creature well on her way to becoming an intrepid young lady.




It therefore pains us to come up short on her birthday. You see, her main birthday present didn’t arrive in time. A bike. A bike with training wheels and a basket for her baby. It wasn’t here waiting for her on birthday morning. Instead, its pink pedals were–and currently still are–traversing the Atlantic in a crate destined for Yaounde. Her bike’s in the shipment.







Yes, like you and other good parents, we ordered the bike well in advance. In fact, we placed the order through Amazon way back in February, months ago. Unfortunately, super saver shipping doesn’t mend maritime divides. The bike arrived at the shipper’s and waited and waited for the rest of the container to fill up. Once full, it embarked, setting sail for the Old World. We understand that it’s still out there somewhere, floating towards us ever-so belatedly. Arrival is expected in the next couple of weeks. We never know though when the shipment will arrive until it’s here. It’s like a Santa who shows up after we’ve already taken down the Christmas tree and consumed all the milk and cookies. Jolly ole Saint Nicho-late.








Poppy took the news well. “Baby, we got you a bike for your birthday, but it’s not here yet,” I conceded. “Does it have pink ribbons?” she chirped in reply. You betcha, Sissy, and they’re flapping majestically in the salty breeze as they make their way to you.


The bike’s no-show couldn’t put a damper on the festivities Mummy had planned. We partied all afternoon with Poppy’s closest friends. Pool. Water balloons. Games. Music. Dancing. Cake. Ice cream. Candy. Party bags. Grandparents. Gifts and cards from family and friends back home. And Henry baptized the kitty.


That’s how we get it done on birthdays abroad.


3 responses to “Birthday Abroad”

  1. Memaw Avatar

    Drew, you have a special way with the written word! Loved it! Almost felt like I was there. Emily certainly knows how to throw a party. The photos are great. Glad Poppy had a wonderful birthday in spite of the no-show bike. You will get to celebrate again when it arrives!

  2. Georgina Hayes Avatar
    Georgina Hayes

    Happy memories!

  3. ticoandtina Avatar

    what excellent pictures, Drew! and what a little “Drew” that Henry is, LOL

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