Back in Wake Forest (Finally)
7 minutesWe're back in Wake Forest. We were supposed to be back here Sunday night, but the One who controls the planets allowed other plans to perspire (that's not the only thing that perspired either!). We left London Heathrow at noonish, after a little bit of drama concerning only being able to take one carry-on bag: we each had two bags. We were only allowed one and they were strict. We eventually got through: I crammed my computer bag into my rolly carry-on and Emily consolidated. You see: you were allowed to carry the same amount of stuff, but you could…
25 December, Tuesday – Christmas Day with Pat
1 minuteBraving the cold and traffic of the M25 we made our way to Wales to visit Nigel's sister Pat. Boy, was that a hoot, complete with a intrafamilial talent show: Nigel – carols and reading The Lion and Albert Georgina – a dressed-up performance of Maud's Dream Simon – sleeping Sally – flute action Emily & Hannah – reading/singing of What Are We Gonna Get 'er Indoors Drew – a dramatic reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas Check out some recordings of the festivities attached to this post, and of course, we hope that you had a very Merry…
Seminary, Practicality, and the Gospel
3 minutesTo be honest, sometimes I wonder how practical a seminary education is. Will I graduate from seminary and be in the same situation that I was in when I graduated from college? College degrees are a dime a dozen, the same as graduating from high school nowadays. How practical is a Masters of Divinity from […]
New Truck with Loose Change
1 minuteI don’t really use much cash any more, but it looks like saving your leftover change can really amount to something. A 70 year-old man bought a $25,000 Dodge Ram in quarters. Unfortunately, “no bank wants to take them.”