• Controversy

    1 minute

    Someone told me that their church is a little controversial because they believe women should not serve in pastoral roles. Isn’t it supposed to be controversial when a church believes that women should serve in pastoral roles?

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  • F-Bomb

    1 minute

    Yesterday in Bath I saw and heard a toddler drop the f-bomb.

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  • Salisbury’s Thin Place: Salisbury Cathedral

    2 minutes

    Salisbury Cathedral was, for me, a thin place. What is a thin place? This is a concept that I just learned of this evening at Emily’s (my wife’s) parents’ home fellowship Christmas party from a Newscastle medical student named Ellie. She asked if I had heard of whom the British refer to as Tom Wright […]

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  • Hillsong London Christmas: Highest

    1 minute

    Hillsong London Christmas 2007 from Drew Maust on Vimeo. Your love O Lord is like the oceans Deeper than endless seas Your faithfulness is like the mountains And Your Word never fails Glory to God Let every heart sing Glory to God In the highest

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