Caveat Emptor: The Golden Compass
1 minuteThis dude, Bill Donohue (president of the Catholic anti-defamation squad, the Catholic League and possibly brother to Phil? I just made that up)–he seems really fired up over the The Golden Compass which opens in about a week’s time. Peep: Source: http://catholicleague.org/videos/ HT and further reading: Ben Witherington
Using Of The Others
1 minuteI’ve often wondered whether Mormons use evangelical Christian resources? John MacArthur study Bible? The purpose driven life? Do any evangelical Christians use (seriously) their material for edification?
Quotable Clairvaux
2 minutesFrom Bernard of Clairvaux ‘s (1090-1153) On Loving God “In his death he displayed his mercy, in his resurrection his power; both combine to manifest his glory.” (III) “O wretched slaves of Mammon, you cannot glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ while you trust in treasures laid up on earth: you cannot […]
Answering the Call to a Great Commission Resurgence
1 minuteOur SEBTS president, Dr. Akin, emailed to the student body and posted on his website the paper he delivered at the SBC Building Bridges Conference this week entitled “Answering the Call to a Great Commission Resurgence.” I’ve yet to give it a gander, but can guess where he’s going to go with it and am […]