Fall is For Fun
1 minuteWhat if I told you that I was eatin' beans on toast right now? You'd think it a crazy coincidence that you're on a website called MaustsOnToast and some guy's talking about eatin' beans on toast. You can infer from the fact that I'm eating beans on toast that I'm home alone tonight while Emily's at class; otherwise we'd be having corn on the cob, french fries, and hot wings. It's been a while since either one of us Mausts on toast have written anything on here, so let me go ahead and say that we've booked flights to…
Sassing the Creation
1 minuteIf everything in creation has been created for a purpose by God, then it is a gross error to be angry (“sass”) creatures. Hearing some pesky birds squawking rambunctiously in the trees overhead after work produced the following peeved response, “Shut up, birds!” Afterwards, I felt like I had overstepped my imago boundaries and shown […]
A Conversation with David Brainerd and Jacob Bower
1 minuteDrew: Hey guys, nice to meet you. David: You’re a slacker, Drew. Jacob: What he said.
Weekly Review: 10-19-07
1 minuteI didn’t post a weekly review for last week because we were on Fall break, which isn’t to imply that I did no learning during this week off, but that it was a week off! Today I’ve got a bunch of miscellanies for you since I had something due in each of my four classes […]