Does Dr. Pepper Actually Taste Like Pepper?
1 minuteI've been drinking a lot of Dr. Pepper lately. And every now and then I get the aftertaste of pepper. I sought confirmation from my right-hand woman only to be scoffed at. I asked one other only to get the same response. People don't seem to take the question seriously, Does Dr. Pepper actually taste like pepper (at least sometimes)? I say yes. But only sometimes. It's fleeting. You have to catch the pepper taste before it escapes. Ingenious.
I Used to Think
1 minuteWell, it’s kind of embarrassing but I used to think (until rather recently) that… …the phrase “nip it in the bud” was “nip it in the butt” …tupperware was actually tubberware Just two examples of things you gots to figure out on your own.
Using Google Reader Offline
1 minuteDo you use Google Reader as your RSS feed reader? You should because not only is it fantastic online, but a humdinger offline. It took me a while to figure how to access the reader through my browser (Firefox) once offline, but now that I know I wanted to pass it along. I had been […]
How Much More Then Abortion
1 minuteA hospital technician in New Jersey has been charged with sexually abusing the corpse of a 92 year-old woman. The hospital issued this statement after firing the man: “This heinous crime is a travesty. We are horrified and saddened for the family of the patient…and are completely empathetic and sympathetic to them.” He’ll get 10 […]