Bathroom Barney Rubble
1 minute(Keep in mind this all happened in an instant.) I just visited the bathroom at the library to open the door and find a young man, glabrous like I, staring at himself in the mirror. Surprised by my intrudence, he quickly turned towards the door and mumbled these words, “Sorry. Excuse me. I was just […]
Charleston, South Carolina
1 minuteSeptember 2-3 Emily and I took to Charleston, South Carolina, to check out a city that we'd heard so much about. I don't have time to do a full post now, telling of everything we did, but I'll see if I can get Emily to in the near future. [G2:14553] For the time being, click on the picture above and view our pictures of the romantic city that I uploaded several nights ago.
Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries
1 minuteSo goes the name of a blog post tintinnabulating to turn bibliophiles world-wide into Pavlov’s pouch. Unfortunately, the photographer ran out of time to capture my personal library.
So Therefore
1 minuteTo say “so therefore” is redundant. Don’t do it. I’ve heard several persons with the title “Doctor” say it. I propose that you’re only allowed to say “so therefore” if you throw “ergo” into the mix. “So therefore” is redundant so therefore ergo don’t say it.