There’d better be a bottle of champagne waiting for me when we touchdown at the airport…
1 minuteThere'd better be a bottle of champagne waiting for me when we touchdown at the airport……because I am celebrating!!! I have never been a self-proclaiming genius (I had to ask Drew how to spell genius!). I may become a nurse but I certainly do not have the brains to become a docter, and there'll never come a day when I sit down with a Maths textbook and do sums for fun…but…read more [HT: Hayestack]
Like a Tennis Match
1 minuteNaturally, because I am a philomniglot and linguist, I love poetry. Without a doubt some of the best, contemporary poetry is that which is spat by poets known as rappers. Consider this line I heard tonight in a store at the mall I hit the club like a tennis match Amazingly creative. I thought “hit […]
A Plea For Multi-Learnedness
1 minuteToday I had a crisis when I needed to cut lemons at work. You know the slice of lemon you can have in your water or iced tea at a restaurant? Those are the ones I needed to cut today. I needed to cut fresh lemons into aesthetically pleasing slices to be enjoyed in beverages […]
Suffering While Creation Groans
5 minutesHey Drew, I was impressed by your last email. While I was reading it I had a feeling that the words were true and revealed to me something of the real nature of God. I am not sure that I can trust my feelings, though. I may feel differently tomorrow, after I’ve had a full […]