• Overcome with Pride

    1 minute

    Georgina and I were so pleased to hear that Emily has passed the first stage towards her nursing training. Her success was inevitable as she must have watched all the episodes of ER by now and with Mom-in-law already in the business the end was never in doubt. Besides, she has a degree from Cambridge…. Emily, we are very proud of you. Hurry up and get the training and we won't need to worry about getting ill when we visit you in the future. (That is not a comment about your cooking which is great.)

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  • God Shines Face on PSB Registered Nursing School Examination

    1 minute

    Praise the Lord! I got the results yesterday, read out to me over the phone at work by Drew.

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  • Rule, Britannia! Britannia, Rule the Waves

    1 minute

    We joined First Baptist Durham this morning. The congregation voted after the service, and we are pleased to announce that the ayes have it. We are very excited about getting involved at First Baptist. We’ve been attending a Spanish-speaking Sunday School class on Sunday mornings. Emily’s joined the choir and we are helping with a youth retreat this weekend. Check out the church website. Though it’s a bit dated, you can download this Sunday’s sermon and hear what we heard. And if you do so, you will hear in the sermon today that Pastor Andy referenced the British Empire. And…

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  • The Handshake That Missed

    2 minutes

    I would like to share an event with you all that has changed my life. At our church (First Baptist Durham) every morning before the service starts, everyone in attendance is instructed to stand and greet those seated around you. The last couple Sundays Emily and I have been sitting in the balcony because of our laziness and tardiness. While in the balcony two Sundays ago, upon standing to greet, I turned to face a handsome, stout gentlemen–whose name I later learned is Allen because his wife, Suhmer, works at The Olde English Tea Room alongside Emily. Allen and I…

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