1 minuteI made this for my pal, Dan Byrd at Marshall University for a special video project they were doing for Reformation Day (October 31). This is my Christmas present to everyone I didn’t get a present for.
The Word Always Pronounced Incorrectly
1 minuteThere is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it? See the first comment for the answer.
Wake Me Up in Wake Forest
1 minuteWe like to move it, move it. Not really, but driving the U-Haul truck is fun! This December 16th, Saturday morning we are heading on out of Beckley and on down to Wake Forest, North Carolina, where 69 McDowell Drive awaits us (see the contact page for our complete address). We drove to Beckley last night (left Morgantown ca. 8:00pm and arrived ca. 11:00pm), and spent the night. Now this morning we're off to Wake Forest, about a 4 hour drive.
Congratulations to my Graduate
1 minuteHe’s finally made it. Today Drew made the walk to commemorate three and a half years of hard work. He looked dashing in the long robe and funny hat with a white tassel representing the college of Arts and Sciences. He also adorned 3 pins that marked his achievement of being on the Dean’s list 3 times. AND he graduated summa cum laude (with highest praise)…. where does it end!! He’s just too much for me, but I am very proud of him. Congratulations Drew, here’s to another 4 years of the same success!!