• Heteronormativity

    1 minute

    It’s clear that we (that’s to say, mankind) defines roles for males and females. What males can do (permission, not ability), females may not be permitted to do; and vice-versa. In the light of the scriptures, namely Genesis when God creates man and woman in his image, heteronormativity can be rejected in so far as […]

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  • We’ve Moved

    2 minutes

    Whoever thinks that they can move all their stuff/junk in one day is supremely mistaken. Emily and I thought when my parents brought up a U-Haul, we could just chuck everything thing in there and that would be the end of it; but, since the U-Haul, we have made 3 more trips to the old apartment on Donley Street. Today, Tuesday May 2, we consider ourselves moved to our new, wonderful, clean, neutral, spacious, air-conditioned 818 Timberline apartment. We checked our new mailbox for the first time yesterday and found a letter from HealthSouth addressed to Emily offering her a…

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  • Not Simply Men of Political Genius

    1 minute

    Oftentimes it has struck me while reading the prophets of the Old Testament (Isaiah or the minor prophets), that these men may not actually be speaking for God, but be expressing their own displeasure with and toward the people of Israel or the entire world. As prophets, they may feel fed up that their audience […]

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  • 818 Timberline

    2 minutes

    As we come to the end of yet another God-given month in the lives of A & E Maust, we've got some exciting news.  This Saturday, April 29, will be signing the lease on our new apartment at Timberline Apartments here in Morgantown. This new place has lots of windows, clean colors, a pool right outside our door, and many other snazzy luxuries! We are very excited. Our new address is: Drew & Emily Maust 818 Timberline Morgantown, WV 26505

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