818 Timberline
2 minutesAs we come to the end of yet another God-given month in the lives of A & E Maust, we've got some exciting news. This Saturday, April 29, will be signing the lease on our new apartment at Timberline Apartments here in Morgantown. This new place has lots of windows, clean colors, a pool right outside our door, and many other snazzy luxuries! We are very excited. Our new address is: Drew & Emily Maust 818 Timberline Morgantown, WV 26505
April Fools
1 minuteHappy Birthday, everyone! What? You say it's not your birthday. Well, I thought you and I shared birthdays. News, news, news: well, Emily and I were well pleased at the turn out on the 25th of March for our domestic celebration/rehearsal. I think we still have pictures on our digital camera that I need to get up on the website for everyone to see. In other news, Emily flies to England tomorrow (Sunday, April 2) to be a part of our good friends' wedding, Laura & Dan.
U.S. Reception
2 minutesWow, it has been almost a month since our last update. We've been a little bit busy. Last week was WVU's Spring Break and Emily and I went with the Baptist group here on campus, WVUMCM, down to Charleston, WV, for the week. We stayed at West Charleston Baptist Church and ministered alongside them to the homeless, hungry, and helpless. It was an eye-opening experience not in the sense that we saw people in conditions unimaginable but…
Last Minute Trip: Southeastern Seminary
3 minutesI (drew) had been meaning to email Dan Byrd (college minister at Marshall University) all week last week, and just never got around to it. Finally, on Thursday afternoon, just before my last class at 2:30, I emailed Dan and told him that I was interested in Southeastern Seminary and that I wondered if he would write one of my required personal recommendations (he said "yes"). Rather than emailling me back, though he gave me an immediate buzz on my cell phone, saying: "Hey I'm getting ready to leave with a bunch of students from Marshall to go down and…