Work In Progress, i.e. not entirely thought out nor written out

This question popped into my head while reading the Wikipedia article on Paul of Tarsus. In the article, it goes on to explain that theologians “aligned with hyperdispensation interpretation, view the ‘Pauline distinctive’ as a key to Biblical interpretation.” And furthermore that

“modern Christians necessarily have a different belief system [from the Jews], since Christianity only arose as a result of the rejection by the Jews of Jesus as their Messiah and the opening of the gospel to the Gentiles.”

I came to think about the emergence of Christianity and its beginnings as a result of this last quote. Of course, at first glance to the question, one might reply, “No, Jesus came so that men might be free from sin and belong to him.” To which statement I wholeheartedly agree. However, we Christians we think of Christianity as the “right, one and only faith.” Can a faith that possibly wasn’t meant to be be the “one, true faith” that we proclaim and believe it to be? Can of worms indeed.


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