Professional Tennis, Jan Hus & Firsts at SEBTS

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I love it. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) has officially rocked my world today–and, it’s only the first day. After going to the first day of classes, will it be difficult? Umm…yes, sir. Will it be amazing? Too late, it’s already amazing.

Going from classes whose purposes were to discuss General Franco, Frida Kahlo and Rigoberta Menchu, to classes whose purposes are to equip students to develop a well-formed biblical hermeneutic and a prayer life that aids personal evangelism: welcome to Southeastern!

In other words, while my Spanish studies semi-excited me at WVU, the Advanced Biblical Studies of my current Master of Divinity track excites me all the more. I’m currently taking four courses: Christian Missions (how the church shares the gospel at home and abroad), Personal Evangelism (sharing the gospel one on one), Hermeneutics (how to properly interpret the Bible) and Church History II (pre-Reformation Christianity up to the 20th Century).

Lots of reading. Lots of lectures. Lots of paper-writing. But, hey, how else are we to learn? This is the college of I’ve been looking forward to.

It turns out my Personal Evangelism professor, Dr. Solc, was a professional hockey and tennis player in his fatherland, the glorious Czech Republic. His haircut is also similiar to that of Donald Trump; but, wow, does he love Jesus and people.

Today was also the first time that I’ve ever been in a class where the professor opened with a word of prayer.

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