Weekly Review: 10-05-07

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Theology I (Dr. Keathley)

New Testament I (Dr. Black)

  • Dr. & Mrs. Black share stories, pictures, and video from their work in the far away land of Ethiopia. I watched a blind man recite a large chunk of Matthew’s gospel in Amharic which he was able to memorize from cassette. Younger ones recite passages (not verses!) in exchange for a Bible. Why do I devote my time to that which will not last? Tears began to fill my eyes as this Scripture came to mind:“Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth” (Revelation 5:9-10).

    Yes, Amharic! Sing to Jesus for by his blood he has ransomed you, too!

Church History I (Dr. Hogg)

  • I am amazed at how much Southern Baptist students care about the rise of the papacy and its sidekicks (indulgences, relics, supererogatory acts). Just checking what the grass is like on the other side of the fence? Looking for ammunition? Or plain ignorant? I have to admit that the questions intrigue me as well.

Baptist History (Dr. Harper)

  • The 19th century Anti-Missions movement did not stem from unevangelistic hyper-Calvinism as one might conjecture, but from a concern that the organization of mission boards and societies was unbiblical. Baptists are building schools and the Anti-Missions folks are asking, Where is building schools in the Bible? A good example of not to suppose you understand where someone is coming from until you’ve got it from the horse’s mouth.


  • Happy birthday, Jonathan Edwards (October 5, 1703).
  • SEBTS chapel Q&A with President Akin. The question of worship style came up again. As my tenth grade science teacher used to say, “We think we don’t have answers, but what we really don’t have are questions.”
  • I now understand the Southern Baptist denomination a little bit better thanks to Nathan Finn.


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