Nursing school is so hardcore that they only give you two days for fall break….”two days?! What in the world can you do with two days?” I hear you say. Well tacked on to a day we normally have off and a weekend that adds up to five days, technically that is enough time to go visit Grandma, take a small trip to the beach, or put 10 pounds on at the state fair, I just call it sneaky. Do I sound bitter? Maybe I am because I’m sitting on my sofa with a sore nose and an annoying cough on the verge of losing my voice and to top it all off we’re too poor to buy tissues with lotion! 😉 The good news is ER is on..yay. And I’ve been able to watch three movies over the past two days…nice.
To be honest though I’m kinda enjoying the excuse to do nothing and with my new recording device for school I can lay back and listen to past class lectures to get ready for the next test. That reminds me, I have a new theory about tests but I shall share that with you another night..maybe over Christmas break….I think we get three days to celebrate Jesus’ Birthday.