This makes me want a little boy!!


2 minutes

So my little sister Hannah is a primary (elementary) school teacher back in England.  She teaches very little ones (4-5 year-olds)  and loves it.  Now and again she sends me little stories about what the children have said or done.  The next two little stories actually happened!!  Hearing these 2 stories makes me want a little boy!

I call this one “Aftershave for Miss Hayes”

I’d been talking to the class while they were all sitting on the carpet and Danny sticks his hand up (as he often does) “yes Danny” I say “I’m wearing aftershave today.” “oh lovely” I say trying to keep a straight face “thanks for sharing that with us.”  So he tells me this for a few days running (always at the most random moments – obviously so captivated by what I’m teaching!) then his mum says to me one day that in the mornings he asks her if he can put aftershave on for Miss Hayes. (!!!)

This one I simply call  “orm”

ok… so there we were again sitting on the carpet (as we often do) we’d just done the register and we had begun to read a book when Lewis suddenly stood up. “Lewis why are you standing up?” I say, a little put out that he has interrupted the story and is standing in the middle of the class. He put his hand into his pocket (never a good sign!) and pulled it out. “I sound a orm” he said (Lewis finds initial sounds a little tricky!) Whilst trying quickly to decode what he had just said he proceeded to open his fist to reveal a squished up, screwed up, mushy worm lying lifelessly on the palm of his hand. “i sound it at laytime.” he said. Trying very unsuccessfully not to laugh I suggested to him that he should put it back outside where it came from. He open the door and launched it back out onto the playground.
Lewis age 4.

If you like these little snippets of  complete cuteness and want to hear more then leave a comment and we’ll make it a regular feature of maustsontoast.



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