British Baby


1 minute

Poppy’s British passport came yesterday, my Mum wanted to see some photos.  Poppy was watching Sid The Science Kid at the time so she looks a little preoccupied.  She LOVES Sid The Science Kid right now, it will keep her locked in for most of the show.  I’ll have to buy a couple of the DVDs for the flight to England, I’m dreading it.

All ready to go.


5 responses to “British Baby”

  1. georgina Avatar

    Oh Poppy. It’s not so bad being British. Don’t take it too seriously. She looks as though she is a little concerned about this passport thing. Love the middle photo.

  2. georgina Avatar

    In the 4th one we can just see her photo. How long does her passport last 5yrs. When she’s 6 she won’t look much like she does now will she.

  3. georgina Avatar

    You mention your flight to GB. Have you booked them yet, maybe you’ve told me. Do you come on 16th Dec? When do you return to Wake Forest\/

  4. georgina Avatar

    O la la, qu’est ce que ce passe. Je ne comprends pas, tout est changer et moi je ne c’est pas quoi faire. J’ai oublie la francais. Aujourd’hui c’est samedi et je suis en train de faire la vaisaille mais c’est ennuye, j’ai envie de voir des nouveaux photo de mon petit chou, Poppy, mais il y en a pas sur Maustsontoast. S’il vous plait est ce que je peux en avoir des nouveaux photos.

  5. georgina Avatar

    Ha, ha I think I remember how to spell ‘ennuyeux’. I couldn’t think just now!


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