I have been following a blog recently that has really shaken the dusty cobwebs from my melancholy outlook on day to day life. Drew and I have this amazing and adventurous future ahead of us which includes 4 little feet accompanying us all the way, and its easy for me to think “oh if only I can make it to June I’ll be alright”. But I am sick of making Poppy watch Kipper all day while I laze on the couch in my PJ’s using the excuse that I’m tired from working a 12hour shift 13 weeks pregnant. Ok fair enough, yes its understandable that I’m tired, I wake up at 5am literally drag myself to the shower and get ready for a crazy day on a unit with incredibly ill people. Not to mention getting home by around 8.30pm after the 40 minute drive home, hungry and busting to use the toilet because I couldn’t stay at work a minute longer. No, from reading this blog written by the mother of 2 young girls I have been motivated to get proactive, productive and a little bit more creative.
So today while Poppy took her daily mega nap (a little earlier today because she woke up cranky) I made the effort to get out my writing paper and reply to my older sister’s letter from Zambia, Africa.

When Poppy woke up I gave her some lunch and we headed out the door. I was determined to get her out of the house even though it was overcast and a little cold. More than being sick of being lazy I’m sick of this chilly weather, I crave sunshine and high temperatures and I don’t care how many of you say “wait until mid summer and your 6 months pregnant”, obviously they have never heard of air conditioning, ice pops and paddling pools!!
Today I had big plans of going to the downtown coffee house, then to a nearby park and home again the long way round.
With Poppy strapped into the stroller we set out. We went about 20 feet and it started spitting! Why I didn’t turn back and take the car was just proof that I had more determination than sense! Ha! I looked up, no dark gray clouds, it will just keep raining lightly and just come to a stop I thought. We went about 5 more minutes and I had to take off my scarf and cover up Poppy’s hands because I felt so guilty. A couple more minutes we walked and a mini van pulled up in front of us and a couple asked if we needed a ride somewhere. Obviously they thought I was senseless too. This is the second time in my life I have had someone stop and ask if I needed a ride, the first time I really really did need a ride ( I had run out of gas on the highway and was walking to a gas station 5 months pregnant at the time!). So we carried on and it wasn’t too bad. We made it to the coffee house and that was our limit for wetness. We shared a smoothie and a cinnamon roll and Poppy clambered all over the place and it was time to brace ourselves and walk back.

On the way home I took a few snaps.

When we got home Poppy didn’t want to go back inside, instead she wanted to ride her bike. So we did.
We lingered outside playing in the stones.
Then we headed over to our neighbors house to chill for a while with them. We went to the store for some OJ and toothpaste and came home and did what???? Watched some lovely Kipper the dog, knowing we had given the day our best attention.