The Story of Her Hair

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Hair today, gone tomorrow.  Well, Thursday to be exact.  That’s right Ladies and Gentlemen, in five days Poppy is having her first EVER haircut.  You have to realise that this is a very big deal for us.  Her hair has never even seen a pair of scissors before, not even a trim has this hair had.  The other day I brushed it out and measured it–with a tape measure!  Haha!  It’s almost down to her bottom.

If you knew Poppy when she was a newborn, then you’ll remember that she arrived with very dark, thick hair.  Something we never expected.  You couldn’t go out anywhere without people commenting on what a lot of hair she had.  It was so soft and beautiful.

3 days old.

At 6 months it looked like a wig and was past her shoulders when wet.

At 9 months I remember being able to get it in to pig tails.


At 12 months (photo taken on her 1st Birthday) pig tails were easy-peasy.

At 18 months, I could braid the pig tails.

November 2010

And so it went on and got longer and lighter and even lighter!

To mark her 2nd Birthday

And here we are a week before her 3rd Birthday and I have decided it’s been long enough.  So many times I have been back and forth about whether to cut her hair or not and every time I have just felt too sad to do it.  When I think that the ends of her hair is the hair she was born with, I feel like it connects her to those baby days and keeps her my little baby girl (sometimes I’m just not ready for her to grow up).  But on the other hand, as long as it is now, have you any idea what a hassle it can be???  Keeping it tied back when she likes to undo it, keeping it out of her mouth when she’s eating, keeping it tidy for school, keeping it clean when it gets in her ice-cream every time 😉  I wash it most nights because there is always something sticky or crusty in it.

Drew said he specifically wants to be at the salon when she goes to get it cut.  It’s going to be emotional for both of us and I’m sure I’m gonna cry!


But here it is, 3 years of growth.  I want to pose a bit of a friendly competition, the prize will be a lock of cut hair 🙂

Guess how long her hair is in this photo (leave your guess in the comments box).  I took one with and without the tape measure, so on Wednesday I shall post the photo with the tape measure and you can all see who gets the closest.

The Haircut

And lastly I’m sure you are all wondering how much or how short we’re going to cut it and I’m afraid you’ll have to wait and see the after photos 😉  But you won’t want to miss it.

Oh one more thing, has anyone done Locks of Love or something similar?  Would we be able to send Poppy’s hair in for something like that?

11 responses to “The Story of Her Hair”

  1. Paw Paw Avatar
    Paw Paw

    Oh Em she has soo beautiful hair and I know how difficult it has been to keep it all clean and in order. I say 17-1/2″ long.

  2. Ryan Sandbek Avatar
    Ryan Sandbek

    I think it is 17″ long.

  3. Jeniver Avatar

    Locks for Love requires a 9″ donation and it must be cut in ponytails. Banded together before cutting and left banded. The pony tails can be smaller in diameter than whole head of hair- but keep that in mind. I understand the hassle of long hair, but it is beautiful. Hoping it goes well.

  4. Aunty han-han Avatar
    Aunty han-han

    I guess 45 cm but if I don’t win can I still have a lock of her hair?
    how short are you going to cut it? – are we talking a trim, a bob or a granny shave?


  5. jenise Avatar

    aw! how sweet. i got teary-eyed when i read that …”the ends of her hair is the hair she was born with”! I’m sure i’ll feel the same way when adley has to get her first haircut! – jenise

  6. vintageDandelion Avatar

    There is something about her that reminds me of Adrienne at that age. A sweet mischievous little girl.

  7. Tom and Nikki Bojanski Avatar
    Tom and Nikki Bojanski

    Nice story! Not to be picky, but if the Bojanskis are going to win this competition we need to know where the measurement begins. 🙂

  8. Bonnie Boyle Shank Avatar

    We waited till Lily was close to 5 years old before we trimmed her hair for the first time, and even then it was only about 2 cm, so I know just how you feel! <3 I'll send you a pic of her first "real" haircut when she was 5 1/2. 🙂

  9. Thu Burtin Avatar
    Thu Burtin

    Surprised to find out how Poppy’s hair is important for papa. Your words are really sweet and emotional. Look forward to see the photos of her new haircut! Joyeux anniversaire, la petite princesse!

  10. Judith Dutnall Avatar
    Judith Dutnall

    Ahhhh I missed the competition! I understand your attachment to her long hair. Having had two boys I was desperate for Jessica’s hair to be long. However she took matters into her own hands when she was 4 and chopped about 5 inches off a bunch at the side! She was sitting in a tent at nursery with a friend and when I found then all I could see was blonde hair everywhere! They both had scissors in their hands, so I had to inspect to see who’s it was. It was all my daughters and she had done the deed. I was sooo relieved that she hadn’t cut her friends hair!
    I’ve got lots of other funny hair stories…perhaps I’ll have to do my own blog!


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