Sovereign Over All Creation
2 minutesGod can use a wasp. In him, the wasp lives and moves and has its being (Acts 17:28). Walking home from work yesterday, I was listening to the Stand to Reason Podcast. Listening to the discussion on faith versus reason made me want to drink from the fountain of God’s word. The whole way home […]
The Enemies of Reason
3 minutesIs Christianity an enemy of reason? Richard Dawkins has a new documentary out by this name and seeks to show how various forms of religion are against reason. I would agree with his conclusion based on the example religious practices mentioned in a description of the program: Is it rational that the dead can communicate […]
My Place in the Blogosphere
2 minutesThe blogosphere (the vast quantities of blogs and bloggers publishing) is exploding. I’ve started to wonder where I fit into the mix and where I would like to fit into the mix. I want to share my main hopes and reasons for having this blog and then by way of story share some thoughts on […]
Great Perseids, Batman!
1 minuteYou better watch out. You better not pout. Perseus is coming to town. Well, sort of. They, in this case NASA, say there's going to be one great light show the next few nights starting tonight, Sunday, August 12th. We're told to starting watching the eastern sky between 9-10pm to see meteor debris from the Comet Swift-Tuttle, and if you know what the constellation Perseus looks like, you can see him, too. NASA's got more info–it's their job. My job is to exhort you, brethern, to turn off the TV and watch the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm…