Crocs and Socks
1 minuteI saw a gentleman yesterday decked out in white, snow camouflage (hat, shirt, shorts) and to top it all off, Crocs with socks. And we thought socks with sandals were bad. Then, it turns out, George W. has been caught in similar attire, save the camo. One small difference though: it looks as though his […]
Motivational Posters for the Emerging Chaos
1 minuteThis is too funny and therefore dedicated to Geth. Peep the posters. Dare I reproduce them here? Maybe just one:
1 minuteEveryday I want to ask myself why I’m here. I need the reminder. Jesus’ words about worrying ring in my ear, Isn’t life more than eating and drinking? (Matthew 6:25). My friends the drafters of the Westminster Catechism nailed it: I’m here to glorify God and enjoy him forever; not to drive around looking for […]
You Judge the Peoples with Equity
4 minutesDrew, I can’t help feeling a bit sorry for Uzzah. There he was, walking along hot and tired, chatting to his mates. An ox stumbles; Uzzah tries to stop the Ark from getting damaged, doesn’t want it to get scratched. He reaches out to help and he gets struck down by God. I know God […]