Elaphe Obsoleta
1 minute[G2:14306 class=left] We awoke yesterday to find this slithering serpent in our backyard. After a little bit of research, we found that our little friend is called Elaphe obsoleta, or Black Snake. He constricts his prey and is known for his excellent climbing abilities. Of course, being on a seminary campus, a biblical joke had to be at hand: "If he offers you any fruit, don't take it!" I was little more worried about him taking one of the neighbor kids deep into the forest. [G2:14312 class=right]We stood outside for about 15 minutes watching Elaphe snake his way along the…
Reasons to Read: #1 Confirm What You’ve Been Thinking
3 minutesReading tonight has prompted me to start a series on my blog that I’ve wanted to start for some time, and that is a series on reasons for reading. Why read? What do we get out of it and what is the fruit of our labor from spending so much time as we do on […]
Doubter’s Catechism
2 minutes“I am doubting. I feel I lack faith.” Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17) “Shall I then be inundated with more words of God to have more faith?” These things were written so that you might believe and in believing have life through his name. (John 20:31) “Surely […]
Lawbreaker, Buy That Field
7 minutesHi Drew, I understand when you say that we all deserve to go to hell. It put me in mind of a quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet (we studied it in High School): “..use every man after his deserts, then who should scape whipping?” Is that what you mean? So, if I understand you rightly, then […]