Summer Thyme
2 minutesAs June is drawing to a close, I thought it would be meet to write a little ditty about Jack and Diane, two American kids growing up in the heart land; or one American kid and one not-so-American kid, Emily and Drew. Here’s what’s up with us this summer: I’m taking three summer classes this […]
Problem of Plausibility
2 minutesThe problem with many theologies is not that they are egregiously heretical and non-biblical, but rather that they seem plausible, and thusly find wide acceptance and circulation. For many theologies appeal to a less than sufficient knowledge and application of Scripture. Because then the average Christian is ignorant of the teachings of the Bible, a […]
Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
1 minuteMortification from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness, is the soul and substance of all false religion in the world.–John Owen, Overcoming Sin and Temptation (Wheaton: Crossway, 2006), 47. In this wonderfully crafted, multi-faceted treatment of the killing of sin in believers, Owen accurately describes what the […]
When Both, Neither
1 minuteA popular news item has lingered in my mind all day. I was initially going to post on this peculiar happening, but then realized it would probably be blogged to death by the end of the day and I could just link to someone else’s post. Sounds lazy doesn’t it? Yep. But thanks to Dr. […]