• Giving Thanks for the Can

    1 minute

    Ever stop to give thanks for random things? After stopping in at Walmart on this 95 degree day (35C), the Coke machine outside beckoned us to draw nigh. Peanut hopped out the car and got the 12oz can of cola delight. We noticed right away that Coke has reverted back to an old fashioned style can. Rather than having a can that sports fake condensation and radical swirls, Coke has opted for a simple, classic red and white logo. We liked the move and looked for a Customer Service phone number on the can. Did we call them? 

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  • The Images Above

    1 minute

    Have you noticed the changing of the banner images at the top of MaustsOnToast? MaustsOnToast.com: now with a 5 image banner! We are glad to be ever improving our site. In fact, the gentrification was indubitably brought on by one of our new, favorite websites: Hayestack.co.uk. The Hayestack is a cornucopia of lucscious Internet feastings. For all things Hayes family (Nigel, Georgina, Simon, Sally, Hannah, Emily & Drew), the Hayestack is your one-stop Hayes mart. Meanwhile back at the ranch. Let me take a moment to identify the five new pictures in the banner above (from left to right):

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  • Upcoming Conferences at Southeastern

    1 minute

    Three upcoming conferences at Southeastern Seminary. Right now, I’m planning on attending the Convergent conference if for no other reason than to hear Mark Driscoll in person. Note: I think the prices listed are for SEBTS students. Check the respective site for more info. Also, the image is too wide for my blog. Click on […]

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  • Hell

    3 minutes

    Hey Drew, It is interesting what you say. Am I right in thinking, then that those good people who are kind, pleasant, do lots of good deeds, respect the flag etc, etc won’t go to heaven unless they believe in Jesus? This sounds a bit harsh when they’ve spent their lives helping others and living […]

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