The Mausts That Almost Weren’t
3 minutesI don't know about you, but the thought of being able to travel back in time absolutely thrills me. I keep telling Emily that if they–whoever they may be–come out with a time machine, I want one for my birthday. Will they come out with one? Well, the Wikipedia tells me it's possible, and as a previous coworker and friend of mine says, "if it's on the Internet, it must be true." Will to God that it is; but in the meantime, I've developed my own, private method of time travel. Some of you may be familiar with it while…
Kindled Against Uzzah, or Today If You Hear His Voice
5 minutesHey Drew, Those 10 commandments are quite something. When I read down them I think I’ve broken them all at some time or other. How strict is God about these? I’m thinking of the one about being angry or not honoring your parents. I’ve told “white” lies. The other day I told the most obnoxious […]
Love the Lord with All Your Van
2 minutesSometimes I see things that parade as Christian and I say, “I don’t understand.” One of my first encounters were the Testamints sold in Lifeway bookstores. Yeh, Testamints–mints with Scripture verse on them. What?! Today’s sighting takes the cake: a van with “Did you hug Jesus today?” on it. I spotted this while at work […]
Love the Lord with All Your Van
1 minuteLove the Lord with All Your Van – Sometimes I see things that parade as Christian and I say, “I don’t understand.” One of my first encounters were the Testamints sold in Lifeway bookstores. Yeh, Testamints–mints with Scripture verse on them. What?! Today’s sighting takes the cake: a van with “Did you hug Jesus today?” on it. I spotted this while at work today […] [KataDrew.com]