• Feeling Threatened

    1 minute

    I genuinely feel threatened as a Christian, like some sort of endangered species that’s on the brink of extinction. Although Christianity has survived for 2,000 years prior to my existence, I somehow feel that it’s continuance is fragile and uncertain. Threatened. Threatened by the world, postmodernism, organic food, culture, PhD’s, false religions, apathy and relativism. […]

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  • 2. Remembering America August 2006: Welcome Meeting

    2 minutes

    Our resort was on a golf course above Cheat Lake, and I mean literally "on a golf course". I think our kitchen sink was probably the 16th hole. Golf balls were flying everywhere. I noticed a golf ball sized hole in the headlight of the bus (practically an RV) that Duane and Chris had very generously lent us. I lived in fear for a few days (Duane looks like a tough guy) until Drew pointed out it was damaged previously. All these resorts have a welcome meeting for new visitors. As there's usually free drinks and snacks they are usually…

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  • 1. Remembering America August 2006: Getting there.

    2 minutes

    So they want to blow up our plane mid-atlantic, eh? The news screamed at us a week before we were due to leave. The security would be tight, we'd be alright. No liquids on the plane and a small amount of hand luggage. Emily phoned. "Were we still coming?" "Of course we were".  Gatwick was busy, very busy. We queued for this, we queued for that. The man in front had a bottle of clear liquid in his pocket. The swift hand of a security guard whipped it out like a pistol. "No liquids on the plane, Sir" Even the…

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  • Talk: What’s Most Important

    1 minute

    “Jesus, what’s the greatest commandment?” “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind,” Jesus replied. Examples of people that loved the Lord their God with each of these: Heart = David; wrote psalms, loved with emotion Mind = Bereans; checked out the scriptures, many believed (aka, found it to be true); […]

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