Five years ago Drew bought this domain name with the intention to make the huge body of water dividing my family/friends and I into less of a pond and more of a puddle. It was a place to record trips and events and allow my Mum to leave comments as much as her heart desired. Then along came a little girl and the importance of this website grew 100%. Two years later a little boy came along and although it wasn’t so much for my parents as it was for Drew’s the website was another essential means of communication.
Well somewhere along the lines it has kinda turned in to my own personal journal and I look forward to the day when I click back through these posts and remember the time when Poppy made meatballs with Drew or Henry visited the Texas state fair as an infant.
Currently we’re facing the task of downsizing yet again. This time its serious. There won’t be a UHAUL trailer this time, instead it will be one single trunk (boot). We’re not really storing anything, I’m only leaving a few sentimental things with Drew’s parents to pick up in a few years. And we’ve decided its not worth shipping anything so we’re looking at 2 suitcases, and a carry-on. Have you ever tried fitting your life into 2 suitcases? I thought not.
I have actually been finding it quite emotional and stressful. You wouldn’t think letting go of material things would be so hard. Its an awesome challenge though and I’m praying its going to be freeing when we finally leave Dallas with 6 suitcases, 3 carry-ons, 2 car seats, 2 laptops and a camera. We’ve definitely opted for simple living.
Matthew 6:19-21 comes to mind, where it talks about not storing up treasures on but rather in heaven. Verse 21 has become my prayer, “For where your treasure is, there your heart is also”. Isn’t that just beautiful and such truth. I’m being honest and admitting that I’m not finding it easy giving up all these silly little things, but I pray that God changes my heart and gives me the peace to let go of all this junk. Because I want my heart to be with him and for him not bound by materialism. Its crazy looking at stuff and thinking we need it! Like today I decided to give away Poppy’s play house. It folds up nicely and isn’t too heavy so I could take it with me but whats wrong with a bed sheet and a couple of chairs??? Oh the things I convince myself I/she/he needs!
What essentials would you pack in to two suitcases?
With all that said it leads me to remember that my memories are my prized possession and the photos we take are what I treasure the most. I already regret not taking more photos of Henry in his first couple of weeks and I hate the excuse that we were caught up in classes. My baby is just growing so fast!! So to counteract the lack of tiny toes and squishy sleeping poses here is Henry at his 2 month check up and later with his cute band aides from the shots.