There was a stockyards in the town where I grew up. We’d occasionally go check out the cows, goats, and pigs and then have a big, fat juicy burger in the attached “restaurant.” At least you knew they’d never run out of burgers.
Today we checked out the stockyards in Ft. Worth for a free Saturday excursion. It was like being at a cowboy theme park. We saw cowboys, steer, covered wags, and even a boot repair shop. Then we observed something you never would have seen at my hometown stockyards: an armadillo race. Volunteers entered the pen where they jockeyed their armadillos across the finish line. Jockeying an armadillo is as simple as crawling behind him on your hands and knees while blowing on his tail. For any other animal, that’d be a risky place to be. The winner won a can of armadillo milk. Yum!