Updated Translation Statistics


1 minute

The president of Wycliffe USA announcement with excitement this week the release of the most up-to-date Scripture translation statistics. The big news is that for the first time in history there are more translation projects currently underway than there is remaining need. Letting the numbers speak for themselves, that’s over 2,000 language projects currently in progress while the number of remaining languages that may have a need for translation has fallen below 2,000 for the first time. Progress! Of those 2,000 language projects currently in progress, Wycliffe and its partner organizations are involved in 1,537.

Since the first Wycliffe organization began in 1942, people from these organizations, working alongside local communities, have assisted in the translation of 830 complete New Testaments and 35 complete Bibles, potentially impacting around 214 million people speaking 799 languages.

Today at least 4.9 billion people have a Bible available in their first language. A further 595 million people have the New Testament (but only some, if any, of the Old Testament).

Scripture exists in almost 2,800 of the 6,877 languages currently known to be in use.

Download the PDF to see all available statistics.

Here’s a map of the current best assessment of remaining languages having a potential translation need but do not yet have a project in place.


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