Easter in Us


1 minute

Happy Easter! Christ is risen!

This Easter we took advantage of the holiday to take a new family portrait—finally! Since the birth of the twins we’ve been longing to get ourselves together enough to capture our family of six. The occasion eluded us until yesterday when we finally went for it.


Setting up a tripod and setting down a weaved mat in our grassy Yaounde background, we did our best to keep everyone’s focus fixed on the camera while I remotely snapped away via my phone. The portrait we settled on among the dozens and dozens of attempts is the one you find above and now featured on our about page, so you know it’s official. Had we known at the time that Poppy was making a kissy/fish face we (probably) would have encouraged her to go with a more natural expression, but after half an hour of trial and tribulation, yea a test of parental endurance, we throw up our hands and say, “Well, that’s our family. That’s us. Good enough.”

We now offer you a few outtakes, just to give a taste of what we went through to get to the point where we were ready to settled with the best of the bunch above.




2 responses to “Easter in Us”

  1. Jonathan Maust Avatar
    Jonathan Maust

    love Poppy’s kissy face……… she is adorable…….love you guys and pray for y’all as you come to mind


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